Our Team

Our co-founders have a combined 18 years of experience in sustainable finance, diversity & inclusion research, and management consulting.

RII is based in Brooklyn, NY, with advisors around the world.

Our Team

Our co-founders have years of experience in sustainable finance, DEI research, and management consulting.

RII is based in New York, NY, with advisors around the world.

Sindhu D Janakiram

Co-Founder & CEO

Sindhu is Co-Founder & CEO, responsible for overseeing product development, business development, sales & marketing, and operations. Prior to founding RII, he worked in the financial services and advisory spaces for 8 years. As an Impact Strategy Fellow at 17 Asset Management, he built an Impact Measurement & Management strategy for the $100m Jordan Investment Fund. At PwC Advisory, he served as a project manager for large-scale technology implementations at financial services clients. Sindhu holds an MPA from NYU and a BS in Computer Information Systems from Arizona State University.

Ignacio Paullier

Co-Founder & Board Director

Ignacio is Co-Founder & Board Director, where he advises on product development and corporate strategy. He’s currently a Vice President at BlackRock in the ETF and Index Investment team. Prior to founding RII, he worked in the sustainable & impact investing space for 8 years covering various asset classes, industries, sustainability themes and regions across the world. During this time, he held fundraising, strategic and innovative finance roles in organizations such as Sarona AM, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, UNDP, Inter-American Development Bank and Citigroup. Ignacio holds an MPA from NYU and a BS in Banking & Finance from UCSC in Milan.

RII Advisory Board

Our Advisory Board provides direction on product development, firm strategy, and sales & marketing.

Scott Taitel

Board Chairman

Clinical Professor of Public Service and Director of Social Impact

NYU Wagner Graduate School of Public Service

Hernando Cortina

Head of Index Strategy


Jina Krause-Vilmar

President & CEO

Upwardly Global

Tim Docking


Refugee Investment Network

Asha Sharma Anthony

Board Director

Social Impact Consultant


Michael Andeberhan

ESG Investment Strategist

State Street Global Advisors

Tim Maloney



Saule Kassengaliyeva

product management professional